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Earning your private pilot certificate is fun and rewarding.  Imagine how satisfying it would be to leave Huntington on a Friday afternoon and arrive in Nashville, TN before dinner!  A private pilot certificate allows you to carry yourself and your passengers to destinations all over the country and beyond.  Whether you are visiting relatives, taking a vacation, or hitting several business meetings out of town, having your pilot certificate will open up opportunities you never thought possible.

Fligh School


Take an introductory flight


If you’d like to experience the thrill of flying, come out and start with an Introductory Flight. You’ll get an overview of how to control the aircraft, then jump in with a professional flight instructor who will even allow you to take the controls! Your Introductory Flight actually counts towards flight training, so it really is the first step to becoming a pilot.


Apply for your Aviation Medical Certificate


The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) requires that you get this FAA Medical Certificate before you fly as the Pilot In Command of the aircraft. You can easily schedule your medical exam with an examiner of your choice. There are several great options in the Huntington area. Get started with one of our local Aviation Medical Examiners here


Fly, fly, fly!


Starting your flight training in earnest is your next step.

Start taking these lessons as you begin studying for your knowledge test. Flying at least once a week is recommended, but certainly not a restriction. A typical flight lessons takes about two hours of your time. If you want to get your license quickly you can even fly multiple times per day!


Take the FAA Knowledge Test


As you are completing your training, you’ll need to pass the required FAA knowledge test. A flight instructor must endorse you before you are eligible to take this computer-based test. The study and training for this test can be done through an online training program, or through a Fort Wayne, IN local ground school program at Sweet Aviation.


Pass your Checkride!


Your instructor will tell you when you are ready to become an official pilot! This Checkride takes several hours and your examiner will test your knowledge, as well as your skills in the aircraft. Oral exam and flight test is conducted by an FAA Designated Flight Examiner. After this exam is completed you will be an official Private Pilot!

Additional Information


If you’d like to see more information about becoming a pilot, check out this incredible information from AOPA, one of the best sources for all things aviation:

Minimum Requirements



→ 17 years old​

→ Read, speak, and understand English

→ 3rd class medical & student pilot certificate

→ TSA screening -- if you are not a United States citizen.

→ Pass knowledge test -- 70% or better

→ Pass Private Pilot Practical Exam




As you fly with us, your flight instructor will make sure that you meet all of these requirements as your training progresses.​

→ 40 hours total flight time*

→ 20 hours with an authorized instructor

→ 3 hours of cross country training

→ 3 hours of night training

→ 100 nautical mile cross-country

→ 10 takeoffs and landings

→ 3 hours of flight time solely in reference to flight instruments

→ 10 hours solo flight

→ 5 hours cross-country

→ 150 nautical mile 3-leg cross country

→ 3 takeoffs and landings at an airport with a control tower


*minimum time. Most flight students have 40-60 flight hours by the time their training is complete.

Aircraft Rental

Aircraft Retal

At Patriot Aviation, we offer premier flight training utilizing the Piper Archer II Aircraft. As you rent this beautiful plane, our team will provide excellent service and guidance to ensure that you have a pleasant experience and flight.
With a full time maintenance shop, you can rest assured knowing that our airplanes are always ready to fly.

Piper Archer II




→ 180 Horsepower engine

→ IFR certified

→ Dual Intercom, Dual Com Radios.

→ Comfortable, 4-place seating

→ Garmin 430 WAAS

→ Garmin 155XL GPS 2

→ Century II Autopilot

→ ADS-B In/Out (Traffic & Weather)

→ Strikefinder

→ Digital Engine Monitor

960# Useful Load

Ready to fly? Log in or Sign Up:



Flight Instruction

$55/hr for primary

$65/hr for advanced

$75/hr for multi-engine


Aircraft Rental Rates

Piper Archer. N6833F.      $179 per hour WET



→ 10 hours - $172/hour 

→ 20 hours - $166/hour 

→ 40 hours - $159/hour 


Our airplanes are available for overnight and multiple day rentals, charging a minimum of one hour per day.

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